Red Rock Chili Company vs tumble & tea cafe Franchise Comparison

Below is an in-depth analysis and side-by-side comparison of Red Rock Chili Company vs tumble & tea cafe including start-up costs and fees, business experience requirements, training & support and financing options.

Start-Up Costs and Fees

Red Rock Chili Company Franchise
tumble & tea cafe Franchise
Investment $215,500 - $394,000$225,000 - $300,000
Franchise Fee $25,000$30,000
Royalty Fee 6%6%
Advertising Fee -2%
Year Founded 20022006
Year Franchised 20042008
Term Of Agreement 10 years-
Term Of Agreement 10 years-
Renewal Fee $2.5K-

Business Experience Requirements

Red Rock Chili Company Franchise
tumble & tea cafe Franchise
  • Industry experience
  • General business experience
  • Marketing skills
  • At tumble & tea cafe we believe that our company's greatest strength are the people we are fortunate to work with. Regardless of our training, support, concept or design, the success of your business will be because of your dedication and hard work. We are looking for people who have a personality that people gravitate towards, who are not afraid to work hard to accomplish their goals and who can follow directions. We are looking for very specific individuals that best match our corporate culture, work ethic and who want to have fun. You are going to own a cafe - have fun! * Outgoing and friendly with well developed people and management skills * Problem solving and multi-tasking abilities * Able to achieve goals in a stressful environment * Strong sales and customer service abilities * High personal standards of excellence, honesty and integrity * Able to follow instruction * Former small business and restaurant experience will be considered a plus but are not required for consideration.

    Financing Options

    Red Rock Chili Company Franchise
    tumble & tea cafe Franchise
      In-House/3rd PartyIn-House/3rd Party
    Franchise Fees No/No-/-
    Start-up Costs No/No-/-
    Equipment No/No-/-
    Inventory No/No-/-
    Receivables No/No-/-
    Payroll No/No-/-

    Training & Support

    Red Rock Chili Company Franchise
    tumble & tea cafe Franchise
    Training -You'll receive complete training that covers every aspect of running your tumble and tea cafe from the time you put your key in the door until the time you turn off the lights. Classroom instruction will include administration, operations, recipes and food preparation procedures. On-the-job training will provide you with firsthand experience, and when you are ready to open, an experienced tumble and tea cafe trainer will be there to assist you for your first 7 days of operation.
    Support Newsletter, Meetings, Grand opening, Internet, Security/safety procedures, Field operations/evaluations, Purchasing cooperatives-
    Marketing Co-op advertising, Regional advertising-
    Operations 100%% of all franchisees own more than one unit

    Number of employees needed to run franchised unit: 13

    Absentee ownership of franchise is allowed. (50% of current franchisees are owner/operators)

    does not require a full-time commitment from you but you must be involved in the day-to-day operations of your business.

    Expansion Plans

    Red Rock Chili Company Franchise
    tumble & tea cafe Franchise
    US Expansion --
    Canada Expansion No-
    International Expansion No-

    Company Overviews

    About Red Rock Chili Company


    Red Rock Chili is sustenance that warms the spirit.

    Despite the fact that stew is an American staple, there aren't a mess of spots that offer a wide assortment of decisions. Red Rock Chili Company expects to fill in that executioner downtime between bean stew cook-offs for bean stew darlings by offering eight sorts every day, serving them twelve diverse courses, including on a wiener, spaghetti, rice, a heated potato and nachos. Then again you can get it in a bowl yet once you see the diverse ways they serve it it\'s impossible that you\'ll pick the last mentioned. In the event that bean stew isn\'t your thing they additionally have chicken sandwiches and 3 astounding soups.

    About Us

    Created from an energy to cook and with more than 40 years of eatery experience, Red Rock Chili Co. opened its Newport Beach, California entryways in 2002. Established via Carol and Paul Collis, Red Rock Chili Co. is a dinning background that is healthy, wholesome and genuinely extraordinary.

    Red Rock Chili concentrates essentially on a bowl of incredible tasting bean stew. It is a yearning, an enthusiasm, a fixation for a stewed mix of meat and bean stew peppers whose particular smell makes a permanent engraving on the faculties.

    Uncommon blends of flavors, herbs, peppers and even chocolate are utilized to upgrade the "simple" approach, offering clients extraordinary esteem, assortment and taste.

    Indeed, even the words "Red Rock Chili" can energize to a bean stew darling, for it summons the recollections of a dish that warms the heart and grasps the body in an air of hot fulfillment.

    About tumble & tea cafe

    Success in life is a choice. It is a decision to better yourself and do what it takes to attain your goals. At tumble & tea cafe, we have unique, cut-above selections from our breakfast, soups, salads and paninnis. We are innovators in the hospitality industry, offering a child friendly restaurant, a posh, hip atmosphere and a custom indoor playground for children. What makes tumble & tea cafe Such An Unique Franchise Opportunity? When you join tumble & tea cafe, you get unparalleled marketing, training and operational support. And best of all, you get your management team dedicated to your success. We want you to be the best you can be because with tumble and tea cafe you are in business FOR yourself, not BY yourself. Our Franchise Opportunities We are growing fast and we're sure your neighborhood is in desperate need of a tumble and tea cafe. When you become part of the tumble & tea cafe family, you'll have access to our innovative concept, custom designed indoor playground for kids, multiple streams of income and a management team that believes in a better life for you and your family. tumble & tea cafe is the family restaurant franchise opportunity you have been waiting for.