Shred415 vs Fitwize 4 Kids Franchise Comparison

Below is an in-depth analysis and side-by-side comparison of Shred415 vs Fitwize 4 Kids including start-up costs and fees, business experience requirements, training & support and financing options.

Start-Up Costs and Fees

Shred415 Franchise
Fitwize 4 Kids Franchise
Investment $440,280 - $959,200$70,000 - $100,000
Franchise Fee $50,000N/A
Royalty Fee 8%-
Advertising Fee --
Year Founded 1986-
Year Franchised 2004-
Term Of Agreement 10 years-
Term Of Agreement 10 years-
Renewal Fee --

Business Experience Requirements

Shred415 Franchise
Fitwize 4 Kids Franchise
Experience --

Financing Options

Shred415 Franchise
Fitwize 4 Kids Franchise
  In-House/3rd PartyIn-House/3rd Party
Franchise Fees No/No-/-
Start-up Costs No/No-/-
Equipment No/No-/-
Inventory No/No-/-
Receivables No/No-/-
Payroll No/No-/-

Training & Support

Shred415 Franchise
Fitwize 4 Kids Franchise
Training On-The-Job Training: 48 hours Classroom Training: 32 hours -
Support Meetings/Conventions Grand Opening Online Support Field Operations Site Selection Proprietary Software Franchisee Intranet Platform -
Marketing Co-op Advertising Ad Templates National Media Regional Advertising Social media SEO Website development Email marketing Loyalty program/app-
Operations Absentee Ownership Allowed-

Expansion Plans

Shred415 Franchise
Fitwize 4 Kids Franchise
US Expansion Yes-
Canada Expansion No-
International Expansion Yes-

Company Overviews

About Shred415

The Shred415 experience is an instructor-led dynamic interval training class that tar‍‍‍gets all levels of clients. Created by Chicago fitness experts Bonnie Micheli and Tracy Roemer, who bring more than 25 years of fitness-training experience, the 60-minute workout alternates between treadmill and floor training and leaves its loyal fan base empowered and motivated.

Differentiated against key competition, The Shred415 experience is an instructor-led dynamic interval training class that tar‍‍‍gets all levels of clients.
Veteran Incentives  $1,500 off franchise fee

About Fitwize 4 Kids

Fitwize 4 Kids' goal is to provide children with a place they can truly call their own! We are building a team of franchise owners who will "run with this torch" and become role models and teachers of fitness and healthy living to children everywhere. Do you have what it takes to become a "torch bearer" in our rapidly growing family of "Healthy Lifestyle" centers just for kids?

The Fitwize 4 Kids Franchise is an incredible fun and rewarding business opportunity for success minded youth fitness professionals as well as fitness minded entrepreneurs.

With hundreds of people just like yourself asking about locations around the world Fitwize 4 Kids business model is the place to start your passion in the field of children and fitness.