RemedyTemp vs Workforce Staffing Network Franchise Comparison

Below is an in-depth analysis and side-by-side comparison of RemedyTemp vs Workforce Staffing Network including start-up costs and fees, business experience requirements, training & support and financing options.

Start-Up Costs and Fees

RemedyTemp Franchise
Workforce Staffing Network Franchise
Investment $95,000 - $155,000$4,990
Franchise Fee $18,000N/A
Royalty Fee Varies-
Advertising Fee --
Year Founded 19672006
Year Franchised 19872006
Term Of Agreement 10 years-
Term Of Agreement 10 years-
Renewal Fee --

Business Experience Requirements

RemedyTemp Franchise
Workforce Staffing Network Franchise
  • General business experience
  • Marketing skills
  • -

    Financing Options

    RemedyTemp Franchise
    Workforce Staffing Network Franchise
      In-House/3rd PartyIn-House/3rd Party
    Franchise Fees Yes/No-/-
    Start-up Costs No/Yes-/-
    Equipment No/Yes-/-
    Inventory No/No-/-
    Receivables Yes/No-/-
    Payroll Yes/No-/-

    Training & Support

    RemedyTemp Franchise
    Workforce Staffing Network Franchise
    Training --
    Support Newsletter, Meetings, Toll-free phone line, Grand opening, Internet, Security/safety procedures, Field operations/evaluations-
    Marketing Ad slicks, Regional advertising-
    Operations 30% of all franchisees own more than one unit

    Number of employees needed to run franchised unit: 5

    Absentee ownership of franchise is allowed. (98% of current franchisees are owner/operators)


    Expansion Plans

    RemedyTemp Franchise
    Workforce Staffing Network Franchise
    US Expansion -Yes
    Canada Expansion No-
    International Expansion YesNo

    Company Overviews

    About RemedyTemp


    The primary RemedyTemp office was opened by Robert McDonough in Riverside, California in 1965. The organization moved its central station to close-by Orange County seven years after the fact and started a national development of its impermanent staffing administration. Today the organization has areas across the nation filling transitory, impermanent to-contract and low maintenance positions. RemedyTemp is exchanged on the NASDAQ trade under the REMX image.

    About Workforce Staffing Network

    Since 2006 we have been coaching and training on starting your own business within the medical staffing industry.  We are constantly updating our ability to provide the best quality information, manuals and training courses.  Please join us and be part of our Staffing Business Owners. 
    One of the best ways you can start your own medical staffing agency is to have all the benefits of a franchise but without the high cost, royalties and a growth stunting territory restrictions. We provide all the training, support and client generating training to successfully start and grow your staffing agency without the strings of a traditional franchise.